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Regular Services

8am Holy Communion

A quiet said service with sermon.

10am Parish Communion

Our main service, with hymns and sermon. Followed by coffee in the church hall. This service is livestreamed (not when all-age).

On the first Sunday of most months there is an All-Age Communion at 10am, especially suitable for families. At 6pm we have Taizé for Healing, a time of peace and reflection, for the healing of ourselves and our world. 


9.30am Holy Communion

An informal service meeting in the side chapel.


6pm Celtic Evening Prayer (online only).

A twenty minute service, using liturgy from the Iona Community. It includes a reflection on our day. See the weekly newsletter for the Zoom link.


8am Morning Meditation (in church and online)

Includes a gratitude practice, poetry, and contemplative reading of scripture with lectio divina. Followed by breakfast and discussion in the vicarage and online for those who wish to stay on. See the weekly newsletter for the Zoom link.

Please check our weekly newsletter for any changes to the regular schedule.

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